The following links have lots of very useful information...
Butterfly Conservation
British Dragonfly Society
The Meadows appears to be especially good for butterfly species that require uncut grassland. Large and Small Skipper along with Meadow Brown are all present in good numbers.
Brimstone - 1 on 22nd April 2015
Comma - Small numbers July 2014, 3 on July 9th 2017
Gatekeeper - Up to 30 mid July 2014, Common in July and early August 2016.
Green-veined White - Common in July 2014, one on 24th June 2015. Up to 12 in summer 2016, Fairly common 2017
Large Skipper - Up to 12 seen in July 2014, one on 24th June 2015, Up to 3 in July 2016.
Large White - Up to 5, 12th July 2014, Up to 8 summer 2016
Meadow Brown - Common in July/Aug 2014,15,16, Up to 10 per day July 2017
Orange Tip - 1 male on 22nd April 2015
Peacock - Small numbers in late July/Aug 2014. One on April 2nd 2015.
Ringlet - 2 in early July 2014, 2 on 1st July 2016, Up to 12 July 2016 and 2017
Red Admiral - 1 July 2014
Small Copper - 1 18th Aug 2014
Small Skipper - Over 50 seen in July 2014, 5 in July 2016, 5 in July 2017
Small Tortoiseshell - Up to 6, July 2014
Small White - Common in July/Aug 2014,15,16
Speckled Wood - One on 24th June 2015, Up to 6 August 2016
Narrow-bordered Five Spot Burnnet - Up to 30 July 2014
Shaded Broad-bar - 1 early July 2014
Elephant Hawk Moth - Caterpillar seen 14th Aug 2014
Large Red Damselfly - At least 2 on 11/12th June 2015
Azure Damselfly - Up to 10 in late June/July/Aug 2014. Up to 10 11th June 2015, Up to 6 in July 2016, 5 in July 2017
Blue-tailed Damselfly - 2 in mid July 2014, 4 in July 2016
Emerald Damselfly - several July/Aug/Sept 2014, 4 in July 2016
Black Darter - 1 on September 2nd 2014
Broad-bodied Chaser - 2 Male and 1 female egg laying late July 2014. One male 11th June 2015, female 24th June 2015
Common Darter - Several seen, and egg laying July/Aug/Sept 2014. Up to 14 on 4th Sept 2015. Up to 10 in August 2016
Emperor Dragonfly - A pair in July 2014, Female seen egg laying.
Brown Hawker - Several seen, mostly away from the scrape June/July/Aug 2014.
Female egg laying in scrape 3rd August 2014. 1 female egg laying 4th Sept 2015. 2/3 in August 2016
Common Hawker - 2 around scrape early August 2014.Female egg laying Aug 24th 2014
Southern Hawker - A male on Sept 7th 2015. Male on 24th August 2016.