Sunday, 10 July 2016

After the rain

Yesterday morning was very wet and windy but it did dry up in the afternoon so I had a walk round the meadows. The sky was still very dark and overcast so I didn't expect to see much. I was very surprised to see around 15 Ringlet butterflies. This is by far the largest number of these brown butterflies that I have seen on the meadows. I have seen large numbers at many other sites also in the last few weeks. There were also about a dozen Meadow Browns and one Small Skipper. There should be many more Small Skippers at this time of year, but it is much too wet for them and they had a bad year last year also. There was also a Lattice Heath moth, which I have not seen here before. My first Narrow-bordered Five spot Burnett Moth of the year was also on the wing. Around the pond were 3 Azure Damselflies and  probable Common Dater dragonfly which flew too fast to see properly.
There are quite a few orchids out at the moment, probably Northern Marsh orchids, but I'm not too good on orchid identification.
I was surprised at the amount of birdsong on such a dark day well in to July. The birds normally begin to go quiet by now but Chiffchaffs, Song Thrushes, Blackbirds etc. were all singing away as if it was a lovely spring day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice to know there are some butterflies around still not seen any in my garden.